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Blogs for gundam fans ~ Even though not that frequent updating, but will try my best to put my blog in better shape ~ ^^ Some of the my gunpla are built according from other sources such as Dengeki Hobby, Hobby Japan & other modeling sites. Feel free to leave comments on my blog, so that I could improve 'em. =)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

WIP 1/144 FG Kestrel - part I

It's been a month since last post hahahahah...*sweat* 

Ok, time to get this blog update once again. :3

Alright, there's not much kit I've been doing recently though (minus the fun rubbing the Magic Powder Chrome onto a gloss black parts, which a WOW factor haha), so I show of the modification based from Dengeki Hobby + ideas from other modelers.

So, I go for the challenging kit, a Furoku Grade 1/144 kestrel bundled with Dengeki Hobby May 2012 issue.

As you can see, hollow is your arch enemy when working on such kit.

Filling in progress, using masking tape & .8mm pla plates.

70% filling done, darn I accidentally sand off those panel line / details on it...

Done filling. Ugly as ever.

Time to sand>putty>prime>sand again...>.<
Ok, I left the rifle for a while, since it took me 2 days to finish it (night sessions haha..)

Next up, le arm.

Cut, salvage, trim le parts.

Roughly it should be like this. Well, Dengeki's way is much progressive than mine, but gotta cut tons of plastic sprue, pla plates, which is a hassle to me.

Looks....odd right ? Well, initial looks is always the badass.. ( I mean bad, really really bad look, not awesome...)

On this last picture, actually I already scrap this idea, re-do it again.
Ait, part 2 will come out anything now.



Zoidiect Archaea said...

always wanted to attempt this Dengeki's FG, kestrel or rasiel

looking forward to see yours =D

Tom said...

I sorta want this kit, looks like a fun challenge. Keep up the good work!

Evaritus Lau said...

@ZD & Tom

Challenge level very high haha, I almost gave up everytime I did this kit, scratch build fails, over saw the parts which leave a lot of scars, joint not suitable etc.....
