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Get ready for image heavy-ness !
1st impression on this 2nd build Unicorn, way easier than Ver.KA. Why I said so ? The ABS plastic is much friendlier, it didn't too tight, just nice to move it around ~
Get ready for image heavy-ness !
1st impression on this 2nd build Unicorn, way easier than Ver.KA. Why I said so ? The ABS plastic is much friendlier, it didn't too tight, just nice to move it around ~
So I go by manual book steps then, 1st off; body.
Although it didn't come out what I've expected but I did paint the pilot dome with thinned red. Beware, the smell of thinner + the plastic of Psycho Frame is very hazard. I had flee from my room for 2 hours because of that.
& I proceed to painting the pilot. Yes tough is the only word I could describe on painting this, need lots of patient to do so, which I don't have...^^"
My work place = on the floor + rough rugged carpet..^^"
Sorry for the blurred pics, can't steady my hands.
Much clearer. The dome looks very reddish after the very thinned red painted in it. Lucky didn't see the horrible paint job on the pilot inside..^^"
Side view. All parts are sanded 'til the blacken spot appear;a very good sign rather than white spot.
Rear view.
Completing the body frame with the lower abdomen on.
Final look of it. Won't see the pilot any longer..
Cockpit hatch frame assembled.
Quick fix the right arm's frame, which I totally forgot to take photos..
But lucky I haven't assembling the left arm. ^^ So as you can see there's a total of 10 parts for each arm including the psycho frame parts. Pretty straight forward.
Joints that connecting the legs to waist part. (forgot to take assembled parts..)
& lastly, ankle parts which is assembled...
Duh I thought I could finish it within a day, seems like I'm wrong..=.=
Anyway, maybe by tomorrow the whole frame is done, then I can working on the armors.
work slow GOOD results, work fast DAMN results XD
Ahhh! Banagher is bleeding! Medic, we need medic! XD
Would love to see a comparison between the ver.Ka and this when you're done.^^
Part by parts! Much to snap pictures! I retired from doing so for now.
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