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Blogs for gundam fans ~ Even though not that frequent updating, but will try my best to put my blog in better shape ~ ^^ Some of the my gunpla are built according from other sources such as Dengeki Hobby, Hobby Japan & other modeling sites. Feel free to leave comments on my blog, so that I could improve 'em. =)

Monday, June 14, 2010

MG Unicorn - I am Banagher's Horse

...........& my Unicorn is done now ~


Standing / Ver.Ka's pose is the best pose around.


Gives it a quick pose "Looking for a fight". =D


& again, transforming the shoulders is kinda annoying though.


OK it's a quick short post, blame for less taking pics by the way..hahaha...



Zoidiect Archaea said...

pretty fast for building this UC lol

Evaritus Lau said...

The urge to complete this kit within 5 days. ^^