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Blogs for gundam fans ~ Even though not that frequent updating, but will try my best to put my blog in better shape ~ ^^ Some of the my gunpla are built according from other sources such as Dengeki Hobby, Hobby Japan & other modeling sites. Feel free to leave comments on my blog, so that I could improve 'em. =)

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Fixing a 1/6 (or was it 1/7?) Hatsune Miku figurine.

Finally, an update ! Abandoned for so long, I almost forgot that I have blog haha.....

Anyway, cut things short, here's what I've working on recently, or just now.

A rather poor condition, broken pegs of a figurine, namely the famous Miku Hatsune.

So when my friend, also the owner of the Fb page Doujin Packers asked me to fix this figurine in bad shape, I also doubt myself whether I could do a good job for it or not, well, I should give it a try. =)

Broken peg stucked inside Miku's neck. Suspect it was superglued and, tear off right from the body. Ouch.

One of the twintails' accessories also broke and "moving" around as it pleased. Noted that this side of twintail are moveable. A figurine should stay static, unless cast off able. :3

Another poor peg ripped off from the stand base. Lucky me, its not glued, able to take it out and reposition it back onto the stand base.

Weathered stand base. I do not know what's that whiterish mark doing on the far left, perhaps, superglue spilled on it while previous owner (maybe?idk) trying to fix it up.

Tools for the rescue mission.

Drill em up, stick em up with a brass rod. What's not in picture; 2nd drill n pinning the brass rod.

Testfit. Move the right twintail forward more to give the figure a much balance stand. No more sagging, achieved. Oh, this haven't superglued yet.

Good comrade. You serve me well. Rest now my old 1.2mm drillbit.

Hmmm, not quite catch the twintail positioned. While the original left one were going backward, twisted the right one to go forward more, balancing it up.

Apart of my drillbit snapped and stucked inside Miku's neck, I think I'm done fixing it. Time used: 15min, plus a cup hot coffee.


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