Nothing related about it, I just feel want to post it, & don't have idea what title should I put on.Haha !
RF is pointing how "she" reviewing the 1/144 Evolve Nu on Youtube, & goes WTF !?=)
Start cut, sand,panel line, paint those awesome yet annoying pipes, & lastly top coat it with a matt/flat coat.My RF now smell like candy, all thanks to the Super Clear Flat top coat. ^^"
The skeleton version of RF somehow appeals more lolz ! Shows all his pipes !
Rear view. Can actually differentiate the red part before & after a flat coat applied. Yeah, flat coat is for the frame only, not armors.
Look at my biceps ! =DThe part's area that actually took quite a while to paint was here, beneath it.
Those pipes is visible from behind ! It's a pity if I don't paint it, but worry my hand paint wasn't good. Argh ! Can see how awful I try to cover up excess gold & silver with red...
...& here also. But anyway, I'm satisfy with it. For now.=)
Yesh, my fingers are numb already...but satisfied for this mod now. ^^
As mentioned on last post, proportion has make me re-think of leg mod that actually works...So without much thinking, I start by sawing the top area of a leg part for test out. Ideas rapidly came out from my pathetic brain juice from the saw'd part...
Which I end up, remove major areas, splitting it into 2. Huhu tough job since the part is small & my finger had to hold much firmly...& here ya go, for nearly 4 hours.....
I have a smexy leg to show off to. =DEven though look skinny, but least the proportion is ok liao. & I'm happy ! Finally complete A SOUSOU !
Although stiff 'coz of the superglue applied, it manage to rotate abit now. Now that's my 3 point joints for a leg, my style. YEAH !
Back view. A Yellow Sub + a polycap to do the trick. >=D
View of the full mod leg part. I've using the Stikfas, Yellow Sub & leftover polycaps. Result is pure awesome & satisfaction !
Bend it ! Rotate it ! I had no problem for it ! Dynamic pose here I come !
When I mean stiff, I do mean it, if can't rotate, just disconnect 'em. ^^
The ghey pose to close this post...^^"Now, time do paint the armors & some details to completed it.YEAAAAHH !!=D
OK, Painting time !Used toothpick & a no.1 brush to paint the details, to be more precise, gold !
Manage to salvage another part, which is the body. Moar paint test bed ~
Painted waist part - front skirt.
Painted waist part - back skirt. Details are easier to paint if I have a fine, hard on the tip kind of brush though, still didn't get use to soft brushes.Anyway, move on.
Nothing much different except moar gold & less gold. Just wanted to have option of body to choose from. =)
The left 1 is painted according to the artwork from the boxart, while the right 1 is balancing color, which looks moar like a emperor's now.
& yeah, I painted all 3 at once to save moar time so that I could work on fixing the excess paints.I let 'em dried like 30 minutes under a sunny bright sun.....
& here's the pre-assemble of Gigatei Sousou. So far so good, but still I don't like how wrong the proportion of the legs VS the arms... Gawd, need to fix / mod leg's joint then.
A very colorful display of Sousou's gold. So much like a colorful god statues on our ancestor's alter LoLz !! Oh yeah, mind the cat's fur...^^"
"Onore ---!!" is the only pose available for the moment. Please bare my lack of ideas 'coz I'm ran out of brain juice...<=(Next, on afternoon....V-fin desu ! This part is what makes this kit an emperor, a crown, a bird crown...(=.=")... Anyway, slap a layer of gold spray after a quick fix on nub marks, pity my black color is finished..if not the gold will shine moar !
A birdie crown = so much like a bird trying to spit fire lolz !
Closer look, meh my digicam can't capture the bling-ness of this crown.But then, something bad coming fast...
Yare yare...cloudy = rain = humid = frosting. @&!*(@&!)!@*!)(@&!)@&Lucky got borrow a hairdryer from my sis, blow a while the crown... But I get carried away, gave another layer of semi gloss white pearl on the crown..
...which resulting of frosting-look of crown. Great, well done me. =.="
Although, on 2nd thought, it does look different yet nice. Haha...
The most visible area to spot frosting. The beak. Luckily I've did sword to make it looks sooooooo marvelous !A nice semi gloss silver + gold never fails to impress myself !
Still figure it out what should I use to paint the holder, since it will eventually scratched...
Maika ~ The sword itself already look nice, so I shall think of something later on.=D
Weird title, I know..^^"Gawd Shin version has another nicer variation of Sousou again ! Damn ! Nevertheless, I had to finish my Gigatei Sousou, at least.Box-o-sousou's + other parts. ^^" Mod failed.
From all the parts that I'd mod, only these I could salvage for the Emperor.
Thus, I need a new body, waist, armors & cape for it, & good thing is that it was red instead of maroon color, & yet, it's metallic colors, nub marks almost invisible. Nice !
3 different colored back skirt for Sousou. Note the middle is using Bosny spray, rough surface..lame.
Oh I forgot, I have salvage the helmet also since it was sand'd very well for my liking, so off to the priming process.Ugh use 2 primer in here, gray then white. Look macam frosting. Well Maika ~
Took the front skirt, mask'd & spray a layer of Mr. Hobby #08 Silver over it.
After giving it the time to dry up under the sun, take off the mask tapes.
Most cleanest masking ever did. Bravo to myself !& now I'm feeling lazy...orz=)