Today's kit I'm working is Zhao Yun from Sangokuden series.

As usual, I start from cement the parts that needed to be snap together.

The cemented hair piece. Just sand it nicely so that it looks better like this.

Herm, got myself a problem, how I'm going to cover this area, with only using art knife ? Well my solutions is either put a piece of pla plates or just use the crap sticker instead, both will cover it up nicely. =)
Now, spraying the "Wind" lance & "Hill" lance.

Ok I'm not quite use to in dealing a chrome color as base coat. So I give it a try, looks nice now although the surface not that even (oh gosh..). ^^"

The tip that combines either "Wind" or "Hill" lance. Just gave a coat of clear orange then clear yellow. Looks way differ than the helm's V-fin. Refer to picture below

A coat of heavy clear orange than a layer of clear yellow. I Thought I make a huge mistake, but end up saying "Hey, not bad after all." haha, oh well, if really doesn't go well, I could just use good-ol Gundam Marker to hide my mistakes. Hehe ^^"

Another angle of it. Can see how rough is the surface now. But it's just good for a gundam marker user like me. =)
Now I'm undergo with this kit for a while, so be seing ya guys !