1st up; kakouton Giros desu~~
I use Bosny matt gold spray can, Gundam marker meta-violet, meta-red & meta green. SO far so good, nothing gone bad, hope non bad thing will happen.^^
Next; RX78-2 Ver.KA desu~~
LoL-ed my Gundam marker plate-silver start lost its plate color..=.=||| less shiny now, dang..... But nevermind about it, least this kit look nice now (^^") especially shoulder armor which differ from all RX78-2 kit.
Finally; Astraea Kai(!?) + dual wield rifle (^^") desu~~
Picture says it all, Astraea Kai (=D), hijacked Type-F's parts..heh ~~
Action poses ~~
Amazingly, it won't fall posing like that ~~
OK, I take my leave for a while, bye ~~ !
hey bro thanks for dropping by my new blog and updating your blogroll. ^^;
your masking is very well done. too bad i'm getting less time to do gundam now. :-(
Yea since internet could make people very attached to it ^^
Masking skill after several trial & error one, getting improve & deprove sometimes...=D
BTW bro's blog looks nicer, think should start play around around with wordpress too, would mind teach some then ? =)
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