My master didn't put the shiny foil sticker for light reflection of my eyes, 'coz he use plate silver marker
More picture of me...
Now he's busy fixing my weapons, yippie~~^^ Can't wait to smash him using my Gundam Hammer even though could borrow from RX78-2...^^
Didn't know that you have Turn A as well ^^
This MG 100 is a great kit, plenty of action and gimmicks, but I don't really like the design of Turn A (same with many people I believe), that's why I never thought of buying it.
Bro NK,
Yea design is s*** but still got its worth to get though. No MG can pose very well in walking stance ar. Besides, Turn A only have the same armament with the RX78-2..^^
this one is pure panel lining hell right?
Na hell is further deep, this one is pure earth-hell, 30min scribing using needle + water-based panel line.
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