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Blogs for gundam fans ~ Even though not that frequent updating, but will try my best to put my blog in better shape ~ ^^ Some of the my gunpla are built according from other sources such as Dengeki Hobby, Hobby Japan & other modeling sites. Feel free to leave comments on my blog, so that I could improve 'em. =)

Monday, February 8, 2016

Dragon Momoko Destiny #4 - Wing of Light, herm...

~Drifted day by day ~

Finally complete the main body and weapon/shield.

Shield alone have lotsa fine details on it, very like !

Though the details look nice, but then, wasn't it still look, well, normal ? Just my gut feeling haha...

The main attraction; the WIDE wing !

Apparently I spend so long to cut, sand for just 1 side of the wing, like.....2 hours. Solving the fixture problems like every parts is hectic ya know. Worse of all the middle small red wings' gray detail is too loose that it would came off because fixture solving doesn't work on that particular one. Hmmm.... Superglue later.

The biggest gap on the Wide Wing ever. Now to think, cutting the pegs in diagonal would be wise or not. Hmmm....

Full open wing is at the same height (less or more) as the main body woot.
 After drifted again day after day......

Finished the other side, marking the moment that I have complete the wings, with lotsa better fixture problems fixed, and yes, that black part, I did diagonal cut on pegs, not too much, just enough for it to snap firmly. Yay ~


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I just got this one today via pos laju..thanks for the review..btw im the guy who buy the rg astray..lol..if i may..would you show me how to make my rg astray head into ddraig head..but great review..thanks alot..