In order to save more money & less buying to increase backlogs, I decided to man it up, FIX MAH' FREAKIN' CREEP SF'S FRAME.
I think I didn't told anyone how or what's broken in the frame of SF of mine.
Ok, 1st thing, remove the plate gold. Look oddly stupid. By the I snap this picture, those plate parts become weak, thus, start to break apart, luckily, got the extra parts. |
To add my stupidity 3 years ago, I've seam line removal the right leg's frame. Yes, SEAMLINE REMOVAL. How stupid I am at that time... |
Can you spot the fixed area ? |
If you can't, here the better picture. The sliding mechanism on the knee already broken into pieces, so, pla plate it to extend the length, then drill a 1.1mm hole, stuck some 1mm pin into it. It's fixed, but I don't for how long. |
Saw the line ? Yes, I've saw it off just to start fix the stupid slide gimmick. Well, you won't see it anyway since, it's covered in the end. |
Good project.... sometimes we do need to do some sort of "maintenance" to this old GunPla... good luck with the rest of it...
I almost gave up on it.....the frame pretty much exposed to the air quite some time, now, some parts started to broke...
Keep up the good work.
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