About Me

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Blogs for gundam fans ~ Even though not that frequent updating, but will try my best to put my blog in better shape ~ ^^ Some of the my gunpla are built according from other sources such as Dengeki Hobby, Hobby Japan & other modeling sites. Feel free to leave comments on my blog, so that I could improve 'em. =)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Back from unexpected hiatus

Well yeah, internet down since last Sunday night 'til yesterday night, called the 100 helpline & I get the "Harap maaf, semua pegawai perkhidmatan kami sedang sibuk". Like 3 days in a row. WTH !



Anonymous said...

The 100 for streamyx most of the time is...


Evaritus Lau said...

That's mean it's recently that 100 is totally crap & useless to ask for help...

Anonymous said...

try use celcom broadband with good bandwidth HSPDA range with it..

Evaritus Lau said...


I'm a heavy downloader to begin with, so any broadband stick is no-no to me.