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Blogs for gundam fans ~ Even though not that frequent updating, but will try my best to put my blog in better shape ~ ^^ Some of the my gunpla are built according from other sources such as Dengeki Hobby, Hobby Japan & other modeling sites. Feel free to leave comments on my blog, so that I could improve 'em. =)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Troublesome oh troublesome...

A very long time didn't update my blog this month..^^;

So, no new gunpla to do, so I just remake my Sinanju instead.

Few weeks ago, when I was tidy up my gunpla, I notice my paint job on Sinanju is scratched & peeled off on some areas, I mean, OMFG ! There's no way I recovered it by simply spray it again, so I decided to just, strip the paint and re-do whole process again.

A very time consuming though...=.="

So I've done strip & re-paint the shield, problem is I ain't using gundam marker gold as it will fade someday sooner, waterslide decals is a no no to this since 1 of the long section of the decal is splits into 3 pieces. Great another troublesome situation. My only hope was on this, foil stickers. Problem is I don't need the black areas, which mean I MUST trim it up...oh my, here it go..
OK, that's just the emblem located on shield, I haven't decided if I want to use foil sticker on the chest's emblem though, or should I ?

See the lower end of the emblem ? That's where I screwed. Dang.

Trouble keep come & come, especially weather. Why ? See below.

Frosting havoc !! But wait, it looks more like.....weathering ? Maybe some weathering touch like silver for scratched effect could cover it up, is it ?

Well, on the shield there isn't much frosting occurred except on some edges,

like there.

Well, hate to admit, even though raining day is good when taking a good long nap/sleep, but it's a no good situation for using hobby spray cans. Shiet.



Syful said...

frosting? where that came from?

Anonymous said...

Good luck for your Shinanju.

Anonymous said...

why u spray it to grey?
I'm quite wanna get the MG Sinanju
But scare about that will release the OVA version just like Unicorn

Evaritus Lau said...


Spray on night caused that. LoLz.