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Blogs for gundam fans ~ Even though not that frequent updating, but will try my best to put my blog in better shape ~ ^^ Some of the my gunpla are built according from other sources such as Dengeki Hobby, Hobby Japan & other modeling sites. Feel free to leave comments on my blog, so that I could improve 'em. =)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

WIP MC Model SD Nightingale

Entering the final phase on this build.

A rather slowly build, if you may ask. ^^"

Few more parts in the runner & I'm finish this kit. Oh wait....

While cementing, the seamline fails terribly. Solution ? Heck, create a depth panel line on there lolz. Highly recommended for lazy builder like me.

Another look.

Cemented. Now waiting it to melted completely so that sanding process will be smooth.

Bigger parts = much hassle to sand. Anyway, also need to remove seamline so that it look nice.

Thrusters ! Oh my gosh. Backpack haz 3, shoulder has 3 on both side, & now this.......7x2 thrusters. Why so ? Because there's another red parts that goes into those thrusters..................
Seeing this, I'ma faint soon. I think I rather do another MG Sinanju + decaling process again....

Comparison between sanded & not yet sand.A primer should covers all afterwards.
Another view of sanded & have not sand part.
Funnel bits.

I just saw off the palm which holding the rifle, so that its easy to assembly it.

Oh hell, using New design of Blogger is shitty. All hell broke loose ~! My pics all running like wild horse..........must ctrl + c & ctrl + v alot...

Anyway, let's proceed. =.="
Assembled all for a quick look. Menace kit.
I wonder, tons of thruster, would it outrun Sinanju, for the claim of "3x faster ms" ?

To whom still don't know how big ish this SD kit, I've compared with a normal HGUC Unicorn.

So, now waiting for the sanding mood to come or else, I won't be fixing this kit for a while...^^"



Zoidiect Archaea said...

hmm....i should be prepare as mihgt need to paint my hi-nu too i guess

Yuen™ said...

WOOT~ i wish i can gunpla-ing too but now is the final exam season.. ish! bootleg(?) kit is like that la.. the seam lines and the spaces when 2 part snapped together sometimes are worst..

Gundam Gunso said...

ooo... seems like a lot of work needs to be done. I am sure that the end product after painting will be worth it XD