About Me

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Blogs for gundam fans ~ Even though not that frequent updating, but will try my best to put my blog in better shape ~ ^^ Some of the my gunpla are built according from other sources such as Dengeki Hobby, Hobby Japan & other modeling sites. Feel free to leave comments on my blog, so that I could improve 'em. =)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A tiny bit of updates.

Well, abit indeed haha...^^"

Currently the only time I could my gunpla was on weekends, to be accurate, saturday night.....

Oh well, that's how life goes...

Messy room still a messy. Need a day to clean 'em up. Yeah that's X, just done body though.

Look what I got here ~ Finish backlogs before this ~



Danielle Lim said...

that's the X Gundam?there is one here in Kuching but also a HG God Gundam...so conflicted to buy which ones :D

Evaritus Lau said...

Motto for gunpla collector/builder;

"Buy 1st regret later." =)

"Regret can resell again." Haha.

Anonymous said...

Only Weekend is free. Cool you still have time to do make ur gunpla. I struggle to find a day buy gunpla and hopefully gt enough of time to build.