About Me

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Blogs for gundam fans ~ Even though not that frequent updating, but will try my best to put my blog in better shape ~ ^^ Some of the my gunpla are built according from other sources such as Dengeki Hobby, Hobby Japan & other modeling sites. Feel free to leave comments on my blog, so that I could improve 'em. =)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The arrival of Xan (XN)

Oh yeah finally !! After been waiting for over 3 months, the magazines is finally here !

I just love Buster Sword. =D

But pity no time to fix it up onto 0 Raiser though. See when I'm free I'll do it.


Thursday, September 3, 2009


Ok, this is an announcement from my fellow friend who is the Armory 1's owner. Currently he is going to continuing study, so that's mean he's going to close down the shop for a while. So, I want to ask you guys (within Malaysian ar. ^^;) if anyone interested to buy his gunpla. Yes it's still plastic wrapped & in good condition (pic later take..).

That's all.
